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Even though we do not have a set date in which Percival's became a Public House, we love finding out stories during the past 171 years!
1782 Kentish Gazette Newspaper Article
A Mr Evans was reported to be buying a Black Mare Money and had to meet at The Roebuck
1869 Court Case
An assault case was heard at the Maidstone County Court, between John Newman (a farmer) v. Charles Couchman (licensee of The Roebuck Inn since 1851).
It was an action for £50 damages for an assault.
On the afternoon of the day of the polling Newman, Couchman, and a number of other person's were drinking in the "Rose and Crown" Public House, Henry Field was raffling with Couchman at the bar for drink. Newman interfered, and told Field to come away and go home, upon which Couchman took offence, pushed and struck Newman and ran into the Tap Room. Newman, who was sober, stripped for the purpose of fighting it out, and followed Couchman into the tap-room. Directly he got into the tap-room Coachman struck him twice on the head with an iron spittoon, and knocked him down. Mr. Fry, surgeon, was brought, and Newman was under medical treatment for a month. The evidence of Mr. Fry was to the effect that there were two wounds on Newman's head, which appeared as if cut with a knife. He believed Newman would suffer all his life from the wounds, especially if he had too much to drink. The parties appeared to have been perfect strangers to each other.
Mr. Gibson, in addressing the jury for Couchman, urged that the blow was struck in self-defence. He then ran into the tap-room from fear, and he got the spittoon. He told plaintiff that if he struck him (Couchman) he would hit him with the spittoon. Newman struck him several times, and knocked him down. He struck plaintive with the spittoon because he thought he was dangerous.
At the conclusion of the evidence, his honour said that he was satisfied that Couchman was in the wrong.
The verdict will be damages £20, to be paid into monthly instalments.
1871 Telegraph Article
The return match of goal running between Harrietsham and Headcorn, took place on Saturday last, at Harrietsham, when there was a large attendance of visitors to witness the match. After a well-contested game Harrietsham won by 7 to 4. During the match the celebrated Leeds' band played some lively selections of music, and afterwards marched to the "Roe Buck Inn," where an excellent spread was provided by host Coachman.