Here at Percival's Rest, we have been looking back into the history of Harrietsham, the Pilgrim's Way and the origin of Percival's Rest (originally The Roebuck Inn). We have found several photos from residents and lots of help from the Historical Society who we will be working closely with to share and boast about the the truly interesting history of our area.
As our website suggests, we can find evidence of The Roebuck back 171 years! In 1869, a court case was heard at Maidstone County Court, an assault case between John Newman (a farmer) v. Charles Couchman (licensee of The Roebuck Inn since 1851). We would love to start posting stories on our blog weekly, sharing and celebrating stories from our past and locals alike. If you have any stories you would like to share from the past 171 years, please get in touch!